2023 Worker Experience Survey Results
For the second year, QTI surveyed job seekers to uncover their top job search requirements and understand what drives their engagement or disengagement with a company or job. With over 340 responses, we discovered that competitive pay is still important but down from last year as a top job criteria. Hybrid work is losing some importance, and having a job that the employee enjoys is crucially important for engagement.
Competitive Pay Still Matters
76% of respondents rate competitive pay as one of their top three job search criteria, down 6% from 2023. 2022’s #2 ranked “workplace flexibility” did not rank in the top 5.
- Competitive Pay (76%)
- A shift that matches my needs (46%)
- Location (46%)
Hybrid Work -- Cooling Off?
In 2022, more than half of respondents stated a hybrid work environment was very or extremely important when searching for a job. This dropped to 43% for 2023.
- Extremely Important (17%)
- Very Important (26%)
- Somewhat Important (36%)
- Not So Important (13%)
- Not At All Important (8%)
Job Seekers Want Jobs They Enjoy
For 2023, the top three motivations for remaining at a job were unchanged from 2022 survey results.
- Enjoy the Work (32%)
- Competitive Pay (19%)
- Feel Respected (12%)
Work/Life Balance is Important
The top three reasons for leaving a job mirrored 2022 results.
- Work/Life Balance (48%)
- Work Environment, Organizational Culture (46%)
- Compensation (44%)
Understanding these job seeker insights will help employers prioritize what's most important and create workplaces that attract and retain the best talent! To learn more about QTI and how we can help you with your talent needs, contact us.